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1. 위치

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음식 주문

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Vietnammm의 업데이트 및 스페셜

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Ganesh Indian restaurant

Ganesh is one of the well-known Indian restaurants in Vietnam. They specialize in North and South Indian cuisine, kebabs, vegetarian food, sweets, appetizers. With a professional delivery team, it is our honor to present them on Vietnammm.com today.
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Chuck's- American Eatery

Chuck's is bringing you all of American comfort food. Especially their delicious burgers with 100% Aussie beef, also homemade biscuits, hotdogs and gravy items... Now let's try some awesome burgers at Chuck’s on vietnammm.com.

뉴 레스토랑

Vien Dong Quan
Vien Dong Quan
Ho Chi Minh City
Vuong Tron Fruit
Vuong Tron Fruit
Ho Chi Minh City
Ho Chi Minh City